Welcome to my Spanish teaching &
cultural awareness website

Learning Spanish & Cultural awareness

Online classes for adults

All levels

General Spanish or Spanish for specific purposes

Spanish for business Conversation

Cultural awareness

As part of the General Spanish program or as course for specific purpose, focused on the cultural aspects of the Hispanic world (Spain & Latin America).

Classes are based on the communicative approach (CA), although the right approach and methodology will be considered according to the needs of each student individually. Google Meet is the preferred means for teaching, unless the students would prefer any other (i.e., Zoom) due to any specific reasons.

Linguaphile, with Spanish as mother tongue, I’ve studied foreign languages since I was a kid, starting with English (obtaining the certificate of English teacher in 1987, when I was 17 years old), and continuing with French, German, Danish, Catalan and Japanese. I was born in Buenos Aires (Argentina) in 1970 and moved to Barcelona (Spain) in 2002, where I currently live.

Academically speaking, I’ve studied Literary Translation from English and German to Spanish (2007), Linguistic and Cultural Diversity Management (UOC, Barcelona, 2010), formalizing Spanish Teacher studies in 2020 (Universidad Europea de Madrid) and Language and Communication in 2022 (Instituto Cervantes, Teacher’s training). Additionally, I’ve taken the course Expert in East Asia Languages, Cultures and Relationships (ISTRAD, 2021/2022) and Communication, coaching and Marketing in the Japanese business culture and enterprise (Universidad Complutense de Madrid, 2023).

Professionally speaking, I’ve been working in international business (I have a B.A. in International Business, UADE, Argentina, 1999), both in Argentina and Spain in multinational companies and dedicated to international projects with America, Europe and China.

When it comes to language teaching, I taught English as foreign language both privately and at Westminster School in Buenos Aires in 1991, and I’m teaching Spanish since 2017, when I volunteered at the Asociación Cultura Viva Santboiana in Barcelona.


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